Interview with the first band to get off stage in the Challenge Section, Italian Brass Band
Iwan catches up with Yamaha, and their European development manager
Challenge Section: Sunday Brass geeft mooi optreden
Positieve geluiden uit Oost Europa
Loting Challenge Section EBBC 2018
Kampioen ook hier het eerst op het podium
Good morning from Utrecht!
Gesponsord Adverteerder
Challenge Section: Italian Brass Band in krachtig optreden
Eerste kennismaking met het verplichte werk van Hendrik de Boer erg positief
Introducing the famous Swedish Vikings
Conclusion to the first day
Nicholas Childs and Charlie Farren of Withburn talking with Chris
Testpiece: Passie en drive bij Whitburn
Laatste uitvoering van Time for Outrage!
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Iwan talks with 3BA Brassband after their performance
Talking with Andreas Waldner and Corsin Tuor of Fröschl Hall
Iwan followed Stavanger earlier during their preparations to go onto stage
Iwan Fox speaks with Stavanger Brassband after their performance
Chris in conversation with Arfon Owen directly after Stavanger’s performance
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Chris Davies talks to composer Liz Lane after two minutes of silence for Liberation Day
Iwan Fox interviews Hauts-de-France Brass Band
Testpiece: 3BA Concert laat progressie horen
De ontwikkelingen in Duitsland gaan hard
Testpiece: Fröschl Hall solide, maar minder spannend
Kampioenschap geen incident
Testpiece: Van alles te beleven bij Stavanger Brass Band
Band kan verrassen in de uitslag van vandaag
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Iwan Fox interviews Jim Fieldhouse and Lucy Cutt, Fairey Band
Sten from Willebroek with Chris Davis after their performance this evening
Iwan Fox in conversation with Lode Violet
Testpiece: Brass Band Hauts-de-France zet schitterende prestatie neer
De speelwijze van de band doet het prima in Tivoli/Vredenburg
Testpiece: Fairey gaat op de bluf
Power uitvoering van de Engelsen